Monday, January 17, 2011

Another Snowy Day, Baby Boom & Country Life in the UP of Michigan

Good morning from the cold and snowy Upper Peninsula of Michigan ~ the UP. The sky is gray, the snow has been coming down for days and days (and months), and the wind chill is below zero. Again. I have a small, open field next to my house, that allows the wind to blow and swirl and drift up my door. I've been having to push hard on the door to open it enough in the morning to get outside and shovel. That might not sound too cozy to people who don't love fur-lined boots, wool mittens and icicles hanging from their cars, but that's life in the UP.

I was so happy to find that one of my favorite movies, 'Baby Boom,' was on television this morning. It's a feel-good movie that has so many elements of my life and dreams in it. I love Diane Keaton, and sure wouldn't mind meeting an adorable country vet like Sam Shepard. I dream about visiting New York City. I love watching movies that give me a glimpse of a life that I know nothing about: skyscrapers, men in business suits with leather briefcases, crowded streets, fancy restaurants, movies stars ...

But I love the country life, too. This movie happens to take you from NYC to Vermont, but much of that little New England town resembles my life in the UP. I love the change of heart and perspectives in the movie. It makes me want to get into my flannel pajamas and celebrate the snow and cold, the wonderful friends and family I have, and the quaint,charming life I lead here.

I walked on the treadmill as I watched the movie. I miss walking outside, through the woods that wind around my home, and around the little school and playground I come to on the other side of the trail. By this time of winter I long for tulips poking out of melting snow. I want more sunshine. I want to see the waves of Lake Superior dancing on our sandy beaches. I want to see the fat squirrel playing on the tree outside the window where I sew. I've seen him every summer for three years now. I'm almost positive he sits on a branch and watches me, as I wave to him. He spends the summer and fall filling his pudgy cheeks with acorns ~ and every flower seed I've tried to plant right outside my door ~ and then cuddles up in a hollow tree for the long winter. I haven't seen him since late October.

But for today, I'm enjoying the ferocious snow and biting cold. I picked blueberries, raspberries and blackberries during the summer, as they came into season. I washed and packed them in small snack baggies ~ ten of each kind of berry ~ and then froze them. Those baggies of handpicked frozen berries are like gold in the winter. I put one berry baggy in a clear glass of ice water for today. The water will pick up the berry flavors, and I can enjoy a tiny part of summer while I sip my water all day. I refill it as I drink it, and make it last all day.

I'll work on my sewing and wool felting today. It's a good day to be inside. I don't get as much art work done when everything is green and my squirrel is frolicking out my window, as I want to do things and go places that I can't do on days like today. This is definitely a stay-warm-in-the-house-and-make-something-special day. I have my peppermint candle burning, sugar-free hot chocolate waiting to be made, and a sidewalk to shovel. I wish you a sparkly snowflake, flannel pajama day, too! God bless you with all good things.

Yours Truly Tia

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